Eye problems can sometimes be caused by damage to the brain (for example, as a result of stroke, multiple sclerosis or trauma), problems with the optic nerve or by nerve paralysis. They may also happen for unexplained reasons. Symptoms can include changes to eye movement, double vision, loss of sight or other visual disturbances.

Our neuro-ophthalmology service is run by world-renowned specialists who have a tremendous amount of experience in this field. They also work closely with other colleagues in neurology and neurosurgery to provide multidisciplinary care for a wide range of eye conditions.

Specialist diagnostics and treatment for visual conditions

We can provide a specialist diagnostic, monitoring and treatment service for a range of visual conditions brought on by damage to the brain and nervous system, including those associated with:

  • Pressure on the brain (e.g.idiopathic intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus)
  • Brain tumours (e.g. pituitary adenomas, meningiomas)
  • Neuro-inflammatory disease (e.g. optic neuritis)
  • Autoimmune disease (e.g. myasthenia, neuromyelitis optica)
  • Neuro-genetic disease (e.g. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), hereditary ataxias)

Treatment options include steroids or immunomodulatory drugs for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, or botox treatments where there are movement disorders of the face (eg blepharospasm).

Please note - we do not provide any ophthalmic surgery at this hospital.

What to expect from your first appointment

Your consultant’s private secretary will provide you with all of the information you need to be fully prepared for your appointment. For example, you may be asked to bring copies of your prescriptions, your glasses, relevant medical records and any copies of previous MRI or CT scans you’ve had.

During the appointment, your consultant will ask you about your symptoms and will carefully consider your medical history and any existing neurological problems you might be experiencing.

You will then have a physical evaluation which involves examining important structures of your eye such as the optic nerve and retina. As part of this, your pupils may be dilated with eye drops to help us to examine the back of your eyes.

At the end of the appointment, your neuro ophthalmologist will discuss their findings with you and explain the possible treatment options available.